1. the act of deciding to do something
- he didn't make a move to help
- his first move was to hire a lawyer
Definition categories: act, conclusion, decision, determination
2. the act of changing your residence or place of business
- they say that three moves equal one fire
Similar word(s): relocation
Definition categories: act, change
3. a change of position that does not entail a change of location
- movement is a sign of life
- an impatient move of his hand
Similar word(s): motility, motion, movement
Definition categories: act, change
4. the act of changing location from one place to another
- the movement of people from the farms to the cities
- his move put him directly in my path
Similar word(s): motion, movement
Definition categories: act, change
5. (game) a player's turn to take some action permitted by the rules of the game
Definition categories: act, play, turn
Sentences with move as a noun:
- A slight move of the tiller, and the boat will go off course.
- He made another move towards becoming a naturalized citizen.
- She always gets spontaneous applause for that one move.
- He can win a match with that one move.
- The move into my fiancé's house took two long days.
- They were pleased about their move to the country.
- I am worried about our boss's move.
- It was a smart move to bring on a tall striker to play against the smaller defenders.
- The best move of the game was when he sacrificed his rook in order to gain better possession.
- It's your move! Roll the dice!
- If you roll a six, you can make two moves.
1. change location; move, travel, or proceed, also metaphorically
- The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell
Similar word(s): go, locomote, travel
Definition categories: motion
2. cause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense
- Move those boxes into the corner, please
- The director moved more responsibilities onto his new assistant
Similar word(s): displace
Definition categories: motion
3. move so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion
- He moved his hand slightly to the right
Definition categories: motion
4. change residence, affiliation, or place of employment
- We moved from Idaho to Nebraska
- The basketball player moved from one team to another
Definition categories: motion
5. follow a procedure or take a course
Definition categories: social, act, move
6. be in a state of action
Definition categories: body
7. go or proceed from one point to another
- the debate moved from family values to the economy
Definition categories: change, alter, vary
8. perform an action, or work out or perform (an action)
- We must move quickly
Similar word(s): act
Definition categories: social
9. have an emotional or cognitive impact upon
Similar word(s): affect, impress, strike
Definition categories: emotion
10. give an incentive for action
- This moved me to sacrifice my career
Similar word(s): actuate, incite, motivate, prompt, propel
Definition categories: creation, cause, do, make
11. arouse sympathy or compassion in
- Her fate moved us all
Definition categories: emotion, affect, impress, move, strike
12. dispose of by selling
- The chairman of the company told the salesmen to move the computers
Definition categories: possession, sell
13. progress by being changed
Definition categories: change
14. live one's life in a specified environment
- she moves in certain circles only
Definition categories: social, live
15. have a turn; make one's move in a game
Similar word(s): go
Definition categories: competition
16. propose formally; in a debate or parliamentary meeting
Definition categories: communication, advise, propose, suggest
Sentences with move as a verb:
- A ship moves rapidly.
- I was sitting on the sofa for a long time, I was too lazy to move.
- to move in a matter
- Come on guys, let's move: there's work to do!
- I decided to move to the country for a more peaceful life.
- They moved closer to work to cut down commuting time.
- The rook moved from a8 to a6.
- The waves moved the boat up and down.
- The horse moves a carriage.
- She moved the queen closer to the centre of the board.
- This song moves me to dance.
- That book really moved me.
- I move to repeal the rule regarding obligatory school uniform.