Words that Start with V
Starting with VA
- vac
- vacancies
- vacancy
- vacant
- vacantly
- vacantness
- vacate
- vacated
- vacates
- vacating
- vacation
- vacationed
- vacationer
- vacationers
- vacationing
- vacationist
- vacationists
- vacationland
- vacationlands
- vacations
- vaccina
- vaccinal
- vaccinate
- vaccinated
- vaccinates
- vaccinating
- vaccination
- vaccinations
- vaccinator
- vaccinators
- vaccine
- vaccinee
- vaccinees
- vaccines
- vaccinia
- vaccinial
- vaccinias
- vacillant
- vacillate
- vacillated
- vacillates
- vacillating
- vacillatingly
- vacillation
- vacillations
- vacillator
- vacillators
- vacs
- vacua
- vacuities
- vacuity
- vacuolar
- vacuolate
- vacuolated
- vacuolation
- vacuolations
- vacuole
- vacuoles
- vacuous
- vacuously
- vacuousness
- vacuum
- vacuumed
- vacuuming
- vacuums
- vadose
- vagabond
- vagabondage
- vagabondages
- vagabonded
- vagabonding
- vagabondish
- vagabondism
- vagabondisms
- vagabonds
- vagal
- vagally
- vagaries
- vagarious
- vagariously
- vagary
- vagi
- vagile
- vagilities
- vagility
- vagina
- vaginae
- vaginal
- vaginally
- vaginas
- vaginate
- vaginated
- vaginismus
- vaginismuses
- vaginitis
- vaginitises
- vaginoses
- vaginosis
- vagotomies
- vagotomy
- vagotonia
- vagotonias
- vagotonic
- vagrancies
- vagrancy
- vagrant
- vagrantly
- vagrants
- vague
- vaguely
- vagueness
- vaguer
- vaguest
- vagus
- vail
- vailed
- vailing
- vails
- vain
- vainer
- vainest
- vainglories
- vainglorious
- vaingloriously
- vaingloriousness
- vainglory
- vainly
- vainness
- vair
- vairs
- vaisakha
- vaishnavism
- vakeel
- vakeels
- vakil
- vakils
- valance
- valances
- vale
- valediction
- valedictions
- valedictorian
- valedictorians
- valedictories
- valedictory
- valence
- valences
- valencia
- valencias
- valencies
- valency
- valent
- valentine
- valentines
- valerate
- valerates
- valerian
- valerians
- valeric
- vales
- valet
- valeted
- valeting
- valets
- valetudinarian
- valetudinarianism
- valetudinarianisms
- valetudinarians
- valetudinaries
- valetudinary
- valgus
- valhalla
- valiance
- valiances
- valiancies
- valiancy
- valiant
- valiantly
- valiantness
- valid
- validate
- validated
- validates
- validating
- validation
- validations
- validatory
- validities
- validity
- validly
- validness
- valine
- valines
- valise
- valises
- valkyrie
- valkyries
- vallation
- vallations
- vallecula
- valleculae
- vallecular
- valley
- valleyed
- valleys
- valonia
- valonias
- valor
- valorise
- valorised
- valorises
- valorising
- valorization
- valorizations
- valorize
- valorized
- valorizes
- valorizing
- valorous
- valorously
- valorousness
- valors
- valour
- valours
- valse
- valuable
- valuableness
- valuables
- valuably
- valuate
- valuated
- valuates
- valuating
- valuation
- valuational
- valuationally
- valuations
- valuator
- valuators
- value
- valued
- valueless
- valuelessness
- valuer
- valuers
- values
- valuing
- valuta
- valutas
- valval
- valvar
- valvate
- valve
- valved
- valveless
- valvelet
- valvelets
- valvelike
- valves
- valving
- valvula
- valvulae
- valvular
- valvule
- valvules
- valvulitides
- valvulitis
- valvulitises
- vambrace
- vambraced
- vambraces
- vamoose
- vamoosed
- vamooses
- vamoosing
- vamose
- vamosed
- vamoses
- vamosing
- vamp
- vamped
- vamper
- vampers
- vampier
- vampiest
- vamping
- vampire
- vampires
- vampiric
- vampirish
- vampirism
- vampirisms
- vampish
- vampishly
- vamps
- vampy
- van
- vanadate
- vanadates
- vanadiate
- vanadiates
- vanadic
- vanadium
- vanadiums
- vanadous
- vanaspati
- vanaspatis
- vanda
- vandal
- vandalic
- vandalise
- vandalised
- vandalises
- vandalising
- vandalism
- vandalisms
- vandalistic
- vandalization
- vandalizations
- vandalize
- vandalized
- vandalizes
- vandalizing
- vandals
- vandyke
- vandyked
- vandykes
- vane
- vaned
- vanes
- vang
- vangs
- vanguard
- vanguardism
- vanguardisms
- vanguardist
- vanguardists
- vanguards
- vanilla
- vanillas
- vanillic
- vanillin
- vanillins
- vanish
- vanished
- vanisher
- vanishers
- vanishes
- vanishing
- vanishingly
- vanities
- vanity
- vanload
- vanloads
- vanned
- vanner
- vanners
- vanning
- vanpool
- vanpooling
- vanpoolings
- vanpools
- vanquish
- vanquishable
- vanquished
- vanquisher
- vanquishers
- vanquishes
- vanquishing
- vans
- vantage
- vantages
- vanward
- vapid
- vapidities
- vapidity
- vapidly
- vapidness
- vapor
- vaporable
- vapored
- vaporer
- vaporers
- vaporific
- vaporing
- vaporings
- vaporise
- vaporised
- vaporises
- vaporish
- vaporishness
- vaporising
- vaporizable
- vaporization
- vaporizations
- vaporize
- vaporized
- vaporizer
- vaporizers
- vaporizes
- vaporizing
- vaporlike
Words that Start with V
This section will provide you with more information on the words that start with V.
Interesting notes about the letter V:
- The letter V is the twenty-second letter of the English alphabet.
- It is a consonant.
- It normally makes one sound, as in very, love, and have.
- The letter V was also formed from the Greek letter upsilon by the Romans.
The following are a couple of examples of words starting with V.
Animals that start with V
- Viper: venomous Old World snakes characterized by hollow venom-conducting fangs in the upper jaw
- The viper stung the man faster than he could blink, but luckily he carried an antidote.
- Vulture: any of various large diurnal birds of prey having naked heads and weak claws and feeding chiefly on carrion
- In the country, we can tell there’s a dead animal in the field because vultures circle around the area.
- Viverrine: small cat-like predatory mammals of warmer parts of the Old World
- The viverrine reminded me of a spotted racoon.
Places that start with V
- Veranda: a porch along the outside of a building (sometimes partly enclosed)
- The veranda was beautifully decorated with flowers and fruits.
- Vineyard: a farm of grapevines where wine grapes are produced
- They grew all kinds of grapes at the vineyard!
- Venue: the scene of any event or action (especially the place of a meeting)
- It was hard for her to find the perfect venue for the party.
Words that describe people
- Vain: characteristic of false pride; having an exaggerated sense of self-importance
- Carly Simon’s song “You’re So Vain” is ironic because it talks about a man who probably thinks the song is about him, but it actually is.
- Virtuous: morally excellent
- The professor trusted the virtuous student to grade all the exams.
- Vigorous: characterized by forceful and energetic action or activity
- The vigorous coach pushed and motivated the team during the pep talk.
Words that describe an idea
- Visionary: having vision or foresight
- The mayor’s plan to bring new business into town is visionary and should help improve the economy.
- Vexing: extremely annoying or displeasing
- The vexing idea stayed on his mind even though he knew it would never work.
- Viable: capable of being done with means at hand and circumstances as they are
- It was a viable idea to start growing the plants in the small backyard garden.
Words that describe a place/event
- Vibrant: of colors that are bright and striking
- The colors of the birthday party were vibrant yellows, greens, and reds.
- Vacant: without an occupant or incumbent
- The vacant museum seemed creepy at night.
- Volcanic: relating to or produced by or consisting of volcanoes
- I had never seen the beautiful flowers at the volcanic isalnd.