Words that Start with E
Starting with EA
- each
- eachother
- eager
- eagerer
- eagerest
- eagerly
- eagerness
- eagers
- eagle
- eagled
- eagles
- eaglet
- eaglets
- eaglewood
- eaglewoods
- eagling
- eagre
- eagres
- ealdorman
- ealdormen
- eanling
- eanlings
- ear
- earache
- earaches
- earbud
- earbuds
- eardrop
- eardrops
- eardrum
- eardrums
- eared
- earflap
- earflaps
- earful
- earfuls
- earing
- earings
- earl
- earlap
- earlaps
- earldom
- earldoms
- earless
- earlier
- earliest
- earliness
- earlobe
- earlobes
- earlock
- earlocks
- earls
- earlship
- earlships
- early
- earlyish
- earlywood
- earlywoods
- earmark
- earmarked
- earmarking
- earmarks
- earmuff
- earmuffs
- earn
- earned
- earner
- earners
- earnest
- earnestly
- earnestness
- earnests
- earning
- earnings
- earns
- earphone
- earphones
- earpiece
- earpieces
- earplug
- earplugs
- earring
- earrings
- ears
- earshot
- earshots
- earsplitting
- earth
- earthborn
- earthbound
- earthed
- earthen
- earthenware
- earthenwares
- earthier
- earthiest
- earthily
- earthiness
- earthing
- earthlier
- earthliest
- earthlight
- earthlights
- earthlike
- earthliness
- earthling
- earthlings
- earthly
- earthman
- earthmen
- earthmover
- earthmovers
- earthmoving
- earthnut
- earthnuts
- earthpea
- earthpeas
- earthquake
- earthquakes
- earthrise
- earthrises
- earths
- earthshaker
- earthshakers
- earthshaking
- earthshakingly
- earthshine
- earthshines
- earthstar
- earthstars
- earthward
- earthwards
- earthwork
- earthworks
- earthworm
- earthworms
- earthy
- earwax
- earwaxes
- earwig
- earwigged
- earwigging
- earwigs
- earwitness
- earworm
- earworms
- ease
- eased
- easeful
- easefully
- easel
- easels
- easement
- easements
- eases
- easier
- easies
- easiest
- easily
- easiness
- easing
- east
- eastbound
- easter
- easterlies
- easterly
- eastern
- easterner
- easterners
- easternmost
- eastertide
- easting
- eastings
- eastmost
- easts
- eastside
- eastward
- eastwards
- easy
- easygoing
- easygoingness
- eat
- eatable
- eatables
- eaten
- eater
- eateries
- eaters
- eatery
- eating
- eatings
- eats
- eave
- eaved
- eaves
- eavesdrop
- eavesdropped
- eavesdropper
- eavesdroppers
- eavesdropping
- eavesdrops
Starting with EB
- ebb
- ebbed
- ebbing
- ebbs
- ebionite
- ebola
- ebon
- ebonics
- ebonies
- ebonise
- ebonised
- ebonises
- ebonising
- ebonite
- ebonites
- ebonize
- ebonized
- ebonizes
- ebonizing
- ebons
- ebony
- ebook
- ebooks
- ebracteate
- ebullience
- ebulliences
- ebulliencies
- ebulliency
- ebullient
- ebulliently
- ebullition
- ebullitions
Starting with EC
- ecarte
- ecartes
- ecaudate
- ecbolic
- ecbolics
- eccentric
- eccentrically
- eccentricities
- eccentricity
- eccentrics
- ecchymoses
- ecchymosis
- ecchymotic
- ecclesia
- ecclesiae
- ecclesial
- ecclesiastic
- ecclesiastical
- ecclesiastically
- ecclesiasticism
- ecclesiasticisms
- ecclesiastics
- ecclesiological
- ecclesiologies
- ecclesiologist
- ecclesiologists
- ecclesiology
- eccrine
- ecdemic
- ecdyses
- ecdysiast
- ecdysiasts
- ecdysis
- ecdysone
- ecdysones
- ecesis
- ecesises
- echard
- echards
- eche
- echelle
- echelles
- echelon
- echeloned
- echeloning
- echelons
- eches
- echeveria
- echeverias
- echidna
- echidnae
- echidnas
- echinacea
- echinaceas
- echinate
- echinococci
- echinococcoses
- echinococcosis
- echinococcus
- echinoderm
- echinodermatous
- echinoderms
- echinoid
- echinoids
- echinus
- echo
- echocardiogram
- echocardiograms
- echocardiographer
- echocardiographers
- echocardiographic
- echocardiographies
- echocardiography
- echoed
- echoer
- echoers
- echoes
- echoey
- echogram
- echograms
- echoic
- echoing
- echoism
- echoisms
- echolalia
- echolalias
- echolalic
- echoless
- echolike
- echolocation
- echolocations
- echos
- echovirus
- echoviruses
- echt
- eclair
- eclaircissement
- eclaircissements
- eclairs
- eclampsia
- eclampsias
- eclamptic
- eclat
- eclats
- eclectic
- eclectically
- eclecticism
- eclecticisms
- eclecticist
- eclectics
- eclipse
- eclipsed
- eclipses
- eclipsing
- eclipsis
- eclipsises
- ecliptic
- ecliptics
- eclogite
- eclogites
- eclogue
- eclogues
- eclosion
- eclosions
- ecocatastrophe
- ecocatastrophes
- ecocidal
- ecocide
- ecocides
- ecofeminism
- ecofeminisms
- ecofeminist
- ecofeminists
- ecofreak
- ecofreaks
- ecologic
- ecological
- ecologically
- ecologies
- ecologist
- ecologists
- ecology
- econobox
- econoboxes
- econometric
- econometrically
- econometrician
- econometricians
- econometrics
- econometrist
- econometrists
- economic
- economical
- economically
- economics
- economies
- economise
- economised
- economises
- economising
- economist
- economists
- economize
- economized
- economizer
- economizers
- economizes
- economizing
- economy
Words that Start with E
This section will provide you with more information on the words that start with E.
Interesting notes about the letter E:
- The letter E is the fifth letter of the English alphabet; it is a vowel.
- It makes various sounds – long \ ē \ be and short \ ə \ bed.
- It also changes sounds depending on different letters that come before it or after it.
- It was originally He, possibly meaning window, but first was a symbol that looked like a man with his arms raised in prayer or calling out as used by the Phoenicians around 500 B.C.
- Then the Romans used it as their vowel Epsilon (E) after 9 B.C.
- The Romans used it as E.
The following are a couple of examples of words starting with E.
Animals that start with E
- Elephant: five-toed pachyderm
- In Africa, we saw an elephant washing itself by spraying water from its trunk.
- Emu: large Australian flightless bird similar to the ostrich but smaller
- The emu is shorter than the ostrich.
- Eagle: any of various large keen-sighted diurnal birds of prey noted for their broad wings and strong soaring flight
- The eagle spotted the little mouse even as he soared miles above.
Places that start with E
- Earth: the 3rd planet from the sun; the planet we live on
- Our planet Earth is the only known planet that is safe for human life.
- Elevator: lifting device consisting of a platform or cage that is raised and lowered mechanically in a vertical shaft in order to move people from one floor to another in a building
- My little sister loves taking the elevator up to our apartment.
- Eatery: a building where people go to eat
- The kids went to the eatery after dance class.
Words that describe people
- Elderly: advanced in years; (‘aged’ is pronounced as two syllables)
- The elderly group was lively despite their inability to walk well.
- Energetic: possessing or exerting or displaying energy
- The energetic toddler ran around the room playing with the ball.
- Exhausted: drained of energy or effectiveness; extremely tired; completely exhausted
- The exhausted nanny ran after the
Words that describe an idea
- Elaborate: marked by complexity and richness of detail
- His elaborate idea involved many people joining their creativity.
- Enigmatic: not clear to the understanding
- It took 10 minutes for the boys to crack the enigmatic riddle.
- Educational: relating to the process of education
- The idea for the game was a fun and educational way to learn addition.
Words that describe a place/event
- Elegant: refined and tasteful in appearance or behavior or style
- The elegant dining room had china plates and crystal glasses on each table.
- Exciting: creating or arousing excitement
- It was exciting to listen to the band play.
- Enjoyable: affording satisfaction or pleasure
- The cool weather made the carriage ride very enjoyable.