
(noun, adjective, verb)


1. (snowboarding) Having the property of a head over heels rotation.


1. outer bark of the cork oak; used for stoppers for bottles etc.

Definition categories: substance, bark

2. (botany) outer tissue of bark; a protective layer of dead cells

Similar word(s): phellem

Definition categories: substance, bark

3. a port city in southern Ireland

Definition categories: location

4. the plug in the mouth of a bottle (especially a wine bottle)

Definition categories: man–made, plug, stopper, stopple

5. a small float usually made of cork; attached to a fishing line

Similar word(s): bob, bobber

Definition categories: man–made, float

Sentences with cork as a noun:

- Snobs feel it's hard to call it wine with a straight face when the cork is made of plastic.


1. close a bottle with a cork

Definition categories: contact, plug, secure

2. stuff with cork

- The baseball player stuffed his bat with cork to make it lighter

Definition categories: change, stuff

Sentences with cork as a verb:

- He corked his bat, which was discovered when it broke, causing a controversy.

- The vicious tackle corked his leg.