
(noun, adjective)


1. being present (at a meeting or event, etc.)

- attendant members of the congregation

Similar word(s): present

2. occurring with or following as a consequence

- an excessive growth of bureaucracy, with attendant problems

- attendant circumstances

Similar word(s): subsequent, accompanying, collateral, concomitant, consequent, ensuant, incidental, resultant, sequent

Sentences with attendant as an adjective:

- They promoted him to supervisor, with all the attendant responsibilities and privileges.


1. someone who waits on or tends to or attends to the needs of another

Similar word(s): attender, tender

Definition categories: person, assistant, help, helper, supporter

2. a person who is present and participates in a meeting

- he was a regular attender at department meetings

- the gathering satisfied both organizers and attendees

Similar word(s): attendee, attender, meeter

Definition categories: person, participant, player

3. an event or situation that happens at the same time as or in connection with another

Similar word(s): accompaniment, concomitant

Definition categories: event, happening, occurrence, occurrent

Sentences with attendant as a noun:

- Give your keys to the parking attendants and they will park your car for you.