
(noun, verb)


1. a unit of instruction

- he took driving lessons

Definition categories: act, instruction, pedagogy, teaching

2. punishment intended as a warning to others

Similar word(s): example

Definition categories: communication, admonition, monition, warning

3. the significance of a story or event

Similar word(s): moral

Definition categories: communication, import, meaning, significance, signification

4. a task assigned for individual study

- he did the lesson for today

Definition categories: act, schoolwork

Sentences with lesson as a noun:

- In our school a typical working week consists of around twenty lessons and ten hours of related laboratory work.

- Nature has many lessons to teach to us.

- I hope this accident taught you a lesson!

- The accident was a good lesson to me.

- Here endeth the first lesson.


1. To give a lesson to; to teach.