
(noun, adjective)


1. amounting to a large indefinite number

- Palomar's fans are legion

Similar word(s): many, numerous

Sentences with legion as an adjective:

- Russia’s labor and capital resources are woefully inadequate to overcome the state’s needs and vulnerabilities, which are legion.


1. archaic terms for army

Similar word(s): host

Definition categories: group, army

2. association of ex-servicemen

- the American Legion

Definition categories: group, association

3. a large military unit

- the French Foreign Legion

Definition categories: group, force

4. a vast multitude

Similar word(s): horde, host

Definition categories: group, concourse, multitude, throng

Sentences with legion as a noun:

- Where one sin has entered, legions will force their way through the same breach. — John Rogers (1679-1729) Google Books