
(noun, verb)


1. a story about mythical or supernatural beings or events

Similar word(s): fable

Definition categories: communication, story

2. brief description accompanying an illustration

Similar word(s): caption

Definition categories: communication, title

Sentences with legend as a noun:

- The legend of Troy was discovered to have historical basis.

- The 1984 Rose Bowl prank has spawned many legends. Here's the real story.

- Achilles is a legend in Greek culture.

- Michael Jordan stands as a legend in basketball.

- According to the legend on the map, that building is a school.

- According to his legend, he once worked for the Red Cross, spreading humanitarian aid in Africa.

- I've lost my pen! —Here mate, borrow mine. —You legend.


1. (archaic, transitive) To tell or narrate; to recount.