
(noun, adjective)


1. of or pertaining to a number system have 2 as its base

- a binary digit

2. consisting of two (units or components or elements or terms)

- a binary star is a system in which two stars revolve around each other

- a binary compound

- the binary number system has two as its base

Similar word(s): multiple

Sentences with binary as an adjective:

- Binary states are often represented as 1 and 0 in computer science.

- Two ingredients are combined in a binary poison.

- A binary statistical distribution has only two categories.

- Division of reals is a binary operation.

- He downloaded the binary distribution for Linux, then burned it to DVD.


1. a system of two stars that revolve around each other under their mutual gravitation

Definition categories: object, star

2. a pre-compiled, pre-linked program that is ready to run under a given operating system; a binary for one operating system will not run on a different operating system

Definition categories: communication, program, programme