


1. (heading) As a past-tense form of will.

2. (obsolete) Wished, desired (something). [9th-19thc.]

3. (archaic) Wanted to ( + bare infinitive). [from 9thc.]

4. Used to; was or were habitually accustomed to ( + bare infinitive); indicating an action in the past that happened repeatedly or commonly. [from 9thc.]

5. Used with bare infinitive to form the "anterior future", indicating a futurity relative to a past time. [from 9thc.]

6. (archaic) Used with ellipsis of the infinitive verb, or postponement to a relative clause, in various senses. [from 9thc.]

7. Was determined to; loosely, could naturally have been expected to (given the tendencies of someone's character etc.). [from 18thc.]

8. (heading) As a modal verb, the subjunctive of will.

9. Used to give a conditional or potential "softening" to the present; might, might wish. [from 9thc.]

10. Used as the auxiliary of the simple conditional modality (with a bare infinitive); indicating an action or state that is conditional on another. [from 9thc.]

11. (chiefly archaic) Might wish ( + verb in past subjunctive); often used (with or without that) in the sense of "if only". [from 13thc.]

12. Used to impart a sense of hesitancy or uncertainty to the present; might be inclined to. Now sometimes colloquially with ironic effect. [from 15thc.]

13. Used interrogatively to express a polite request.

- Would you pass the salt, please?

14. (chiefly archaic) Might desire; wish (something). [from 15thc.]