
(noun, adjective)


1. lacking any definite plan or order or purpose; governed by or depending on chance

- a random choice

- bombs fell at random

- random movements

Similar word(s): ergodic, haphazard, stochastic

Sentences with random as an adjective:

- The flip of a fair coin is purely random.

- The newspaper conducted a random sample of five hundred American teenagers.

- The results of the field survey look random by several different measures.

- A toss of loaded dice is still random, though biased.

- The rand function generates a random number from a seed.

- A random American off the street couldn't tell the difference.

- That was a completely random comment.

- The teacher's bartending story was interesting, but random.

- The narrative takes a random course.

- You're so random!


1. A roving motion; course without definite direction; lack of rule or method; chance.

2. (obsolete) Speed, full speed; impetuosity, force. [14th-17thc.]

3. (obsolete) The full range of a bullet or other projectile; hence, the angle at which a weapon is tilted to allow the greatest range. [16th-19thc.]

4. (figuratively, colloquial) An undefined, unknown or unimportant person; a person of no consequence. [from 20thc.]

- The party was boring. It was full of randoms.

5. (mining) The direction of a rake-vein.