
(noun, adjective)


1. of surpassing excellence

- a brilliant performance

Similar word(s): superior, superb

2. having or marked by unusual and impressive intelligence

- a brilliant mind

- a brilliant solution to the problem

Similar word(s): intelligent, brainy

3. characterized by grandeur; impressive.

- the brilliant court life at Versailles

Similar word(s): impressive, glorious, magnificent, splendid

4. having strong or striking color

- brilliant tapestries

Similar word(s): colorful, colourful, bright, vivid

5. full of light; shining intensely

- a brilliant star

- brilliant chandeliers

Similar word(s): bright

6. clear and sharp and ringing

- the brilliant sound of the trumpets

Similar word(s): reverberant, bright

Sentences with brilliant as an adjective:

- the brilliant lights along the promenade

- butterflies with brilliant blue wings

- The actor's performance in the play was simply brilliant.

- She is a brilliant scientist.


1. A finely cut gemstone, especially a diamond, having many facets.

2. (uncountable, printing, dated) The size of type between excelsior and diamond, standardized as 4-point.

3. A kind of cotton goods, figured on the weaving.