1. (slang) Stylish or cool.
- Wow, your new sportscar is so trick.
1. a cunning or deceitful action or device
- he played a trick on me
Definition categories: act, device, gimmick, twist
2. a period of work or duty
Definition categories: time, shift
3. an attempt to get you to do something foolish or imprudent
- that offer was a dirty trick
Definition categories: act, dishonesty, knavery
4. a ludicrous or grotesque act done for fun and amusement
Similar word(s): antic, caper, joke, prank
Definition categories: act, diversion, recreation
5. an illusory feat; considered magical by naive observers
Similar word(s): conjuration, deception, illusion, legerdemain, magic, thaumaturgy
Definition categories: act, performance
6. a prostitute's customer
Similar word(s): john
Definition categories: person, client, customer
7. (card games) in a single round, the sequence of cards played by all the players; the high card is the winner
Definition categories: act, play, turn
Sentences with trick as a noun:
- It was just a trick to say that the house was underpriced.
- And for my next trick, I will pull a wombat out of a duffel bag.
- tricks of the trade;
- a trick of drumming with the fingers; a trick of frowning
- I was able to take the second trick with the queen of hearts.
- At the worst point, she was turning ten tricks a day.
- As the businessman rounded the corner, she thought, "Here comes another trick."
- That's a nice skateboard, but can you do any tricks on it?