1. marked by quiet and caution and secrecy; taking pains to avoid being observed
- a sneak attack
Similar word(s): concealed, furtive, sneaky, stealthy, surreptitious
Sentences with sneak as an adjective:
- The company gave us a sneak look at their new electronic devices.
- I was able to get a sneak peek at the guest list.
1. a person who is regarded as underhanded and furtive and contemptible
Definition categories: person
2. someone who prowls or sneaks about; usually with unlawful intentions
Similar word(s): prowler, stalker
Definition categories: person, interloper, intruder, trespasser
3. someone acting as an informer or decoy for the police
Similar word(s): canary, fink, sneaker, snitch, snitcher, stoolie
Definition categories: person, betrayer, blabber, informer, rat, squealer
Sentences with sneak as a noun:
- My little brother is such a sneak - yesterday I caught him trying to look through my diary.
- I can't believe I gave that sneak $50 for a ticket when they were selling for $20 at the front gate.
1. to go stealthily or furtively
- ..stead of sneaking around spying on the neighbor's house
Similar word(s): creep, mouse, pussyfoot
Definition categories: motion, walk
2. put, bring, or take in a secretive or furtive manner
- sneak a look
- sneak a cigarette
Definition categories: social, act, move
3. make off with belongings of others
Similar word(s): abstract, cabbage, filch, hook, lift, nobble, pilfer, pinch, purloin, snarf, swipe
Definition categories: possession, rip, steal
4. pass on stealthily
Similar word(s): slip
Definition categories: possession, give, hand, pass, reach
Sentences with sneak as a verb:
- He decided to sneak into the kitchen for a second cookie while his mom was on the phone.
- I went to sneak a chocolate but my dad caught me.
- If you sneak on me I'll bash you!