1. medically unqualified
- a quack doctor
Similar word(s): unqualified
Sentences with quack as an adjective:
- Don't get your hopes up; that's quack medicine!
1. an untrained person who pretends to be a physician and who dispenses medical advice
Definition categories: person, doc, doctor, medico, physician, charlatan, mountebank
2. the harsh sound of a duck
Definition categories: event, sound
Sentences with quack as a noun:
- Did you hear that duck make a quack?
- That doctor is nothing but a lousy quack!
- Polly (to security guard, referring to Dr. Feingarten): Are you going to let that shyster in there?Dr. Feingarten: I could sue you, Polly. A shyster is a disreputable lawyer. I'm a quack.- From the motion picture SOB
1. utter quacking noises
- The ducks quacked
Definition categories: communication, emit, utter
2. act as a medical quack or a charlatan
Definition categories: body, act, behave, do
Sentences with quack as a verb:
- The more breadcrumbs I threw on the ground, the more they quacked.
- Do you hear the ducks quack?