Words that Start with R
Starting with RA
- rabat
- rabato
- rabatos
- rabats
- rabbet
- rabbeted
- rabbeting
- rabbets
- rabbi
- rabbies
- rabbinate
- rabbinates
- rabbinic
- rabbinical
- rabbinically
- rabbinism
- rabbis
- rabbit
- rabbitbrush
- rabbitbrushes
- rabbited
- rabbiter
- rabbiters
- rabbiting
- rabbitries
- rabbitry
- rabbits
- rabbity
- rabble
- rabblement
- rabblements
- rabbles
- rabbling
- rabelaisian
- rabic
- rabid
- rabidities
- rabidity
- rabidly
- rabidness
- rabies
- rabietic
- raccoon
- raccoons
- race
- racecard
- racecourse
- racecourses
- raced
- racehorse
- racehorses
- racemate
- racemates
- raceme
- racemed
- racemes
- racemic
- racemization
- racemizations
- racemize
- racemized
- racemizes
- racemizing
- racemose
- racemous
- racer
- racers
- races
- racetrack
- racetracker
- racetrackers
- racetracks
- racewalk
- racewalked
- racewalker
- racewalkers
- racewalking
- racewalkings
- racewalks
- raceway
- raceways
- rachet
- rachets
- rachial
- rachides
- rachilla
- rachillae
- rachis
- rachischisis
- rachises
- rachitic
- rachitis
- racial
- racialism
- racialisms
- racialist
- racialistic
- racialists
- racialize
- racialized
- racializes
- racializing
- racially
- racier
- raciest
- racily
- raciness
- racing
- racings
- racism
- racisms
- racist
- racists
- rack
- racked
- racker
- rackers
- racket
- racketed
- racketeer
- racketeered
- racketeering
- racketeers
- racketiness
- racketing
- rackets
- rackety
- racking
- racks
- rackwork
- rackworks
- raclette
- raclettes
- racon
- racons
- raconteur
- raconteurs
- racoon
- racoons
- racquet
- racquetball
- racquetballs
- racquets
- racy
- rad
- radar
- radars
- radarscope
- radarscopes
- raddle
- raddled
- raddles
- raddling
- radiable
- radial
- radiale
- radialia
- radially
- radials
- radian
- radiance
- radiances
- radiancies
- radiancy
- radians
- radiant
- radiantly
- radiants
- radiate
- radiated
- radiately
- radiates
- radiating
- radiation
- radiational
- radiationless
- radiations
- radiative
- radiator
- radiators
- radical
- radicalise
- radicalised
- radicalises
- radicalising
- radicalism
- radicalisms
- radicalization
- radicalizations
- radicalize
- radicalized
- radicalizes
- radicalizing
- radically
- radicalness
- radicals
- radicand
- radicands
- radicate
- radicated
- radicates
- radicating
- radicchio
- radicchios
- radicel
- radicels
- radices
- radicle
- radicles
- radicular
- radiculitis
- radii
- radio
- radioactive
- radioactively
- radioactivities
- radioactivity
- radioallergosorbent
- radioautographies
- radioautography
- radiobiologic
- radiobiological
- radiobiologies
- radiobiologist
- radiobiologists
- radiobiology
- radiocarbon
- radiocarbons
- radiochemical
- radiochemically
- radiochemist
- radiochemistries
- radiochemistry
- radiochemists
- radioecologies
- radioecology
- radioed
- radioelement
- radioelements
- radiogenic
- radiogram
- radiograms
- radiograph
- radiographed
- radiographic
- radiographically
- radiographies
- radiographing
- radiographs
- radiography
- radioimmunoassay
- radioimmunoassays
- radioing
- radioisotope
- radioisotopes
- radioisotopic
- radioisotopically
- radiolabel
- radiolabeled
- radiolabeling
- radiolabelled
- radiolabelling
- radiolabels
- radiolarian
- radiolarians
- radiolocate
- radiologic
- radiological
- radiologically
- radiologies
- radiologist
- radiologists
- radiology
- radiolucencies
- radiolucency
- radiolucent
- radiolyse
- radiolyses
- radiolysis
- radiolytic
- radioman
- radiomen
- radiometer
- radiometers
- radiometric
- radiometrically
- radiometries
- radiometry
- radiomimetic
- radionics
- radionuclide
- radionuclides
- radiopaque
- radiopharmaceutical
- radiopharmaceuticals
- radiophone
- radiophones
- radiophonic
- radiophoto
- radiophotos
- radioprotection
- radioprotections
- radioprotective
- radios
- radiosensitive
- radiosensitivities
- radiosensitivity
- radiosonde
- radiosondes
- radiostrontium
- radiostrontiums
- radiotelegraph
- radiotelegraphies
- radiotelegraphs
- radiotelegraphy
- radiotelemetric
- radiotelemetries
- radiotelemetry
- radiotelephone
- radiotelephones
- radiotelephonic
- radiotelephonies
- radiotelephony
- radiotherapies
- radiotherapist
- radiotherapists
- radiotherapy
- radiothorium
- radiothoriums
- radiotracer
- radiotracers
- radish
- radishes
- radium
- radiums
- radius
- radiuses
- radix
- radixes
- radome
- radomes
- radon
- radons
- rads
- radula
- radulae
- radulas
- radwaste
- radwastes
- raff
- raffia
- raffias
- raffinate
- raffinates
- raffinose
- raffinoses
- raffish
- raffishly
- raffishness
- raffle
- raffled
- raffler
- rafflers
- raffles
- rafflesia
- rafflesias
- raffling
- raffs
- raft
- rafted
- rafter
- raftered
- rafters
- rafting
- rafts
- raftsman
- raftsmen
- rag
- raga
- ragamuffin
- ragamuffins
- ragas
- ragbag
- ragbags
- rage
- raged
- ragee
- ragees
- rages
- ragged
- raggeder
- raggedest
- raggedier
- raggediest
- raggedly
- raggedness
- raggedy
- ragging
- raggle
- raggles
- raggy
- ragi
Words that Start with R
This section will provide you with more information on the words that start with R.
Interesting notes about the letter :
- The letter R is the eighteenth letter of the English alphabet.
- It is a consonant.
- It normally makes a rolling sound as in rock or more.
- Before 500 B.C., the Phoenicians used a symbol resembling left-facing triangular flag, Resh, the head.
- About 9 B.C., the Greeks called it Rho (P), and then the Romans added a “leg” to it for R.
The following are a couple of examples of words starting with R.
Animals that start with R
- Raccoon: an omnivorous nocturnal mammal native to North America and Central America
- Every night, a raccoon gets into our trash regardless of what kind of lock we put on it.
- Rhinoceros: massive powerful herbivorous odd-toed ungulate of southeast Asia and Africa having very thick skin and one or two horns on the snout
- A tiger tried to attack a rhinoceros, but it was no match for the rhino’s horn.
- Roadrunner: speedy largely terrestrial bird found from California and Mexico to Texas
- When I think of what a roadrunner looks like, I think of the cartoon.
Places that start with R
- Railway: a line of track providing a runway for wheels
- We have a small railway in our town, but the trains aren’t as big as the city trains.
- Reservation: a district that is reserved for particular purpose
- Near my old hometown in Lockport, NY, we have a couple of reservations that sell pretty jewelry and handmade Indian crafts.
- Racetrack: a course over which races are run
- The horses were kept behind the racetrack where they ran their races.
Words that describe people
- Resourceful: having inner resources; adroit or imaginative
- She was resourceful and soon figured out how to get out of the trap.
- Ragged: being or dressed in clothes that are worn or torn
- He was ragged from working in the fields all day.
- Radiating: diverging from a common point
- The radiating diamonds were blindingly bright.
Words that describe an idea
- Refutable: able to be refuted
- In the debate club, we have to present ideas that are not easily refutable; they have solid evidence.
- Random: lacking any definite plan or order or purpose; governed by or depending on chance
- It was a random idea to go out for caramel apples in the middle of the night.
- Refreshing: imparting vitality and energy
- Playing with the new band was a refreshing experience.
Words that describe a place/event
- Riveting: capable of arousing and holding the attention
- The magic show was a riveting event that kept everyone intrigued.
- Rustic: characteristic of the fields or country
- The restaurant was charmingly rustic with its wooden furniture and grassy colors.
- Ritzy: luxuriously elegant
- The ritzy ballroom was the perfect setting for the prom.