Words that Start with Q
Starting with QA
Starting with QI
Starting with QO
Starting with QU
- qua
- quaalude
- quaaludes
- quack
- quacked
- quackeries
- quackery
- quackier
- quackiest
- quacking
- quackish
- quackism
- quackisms
- quacks
- quacksalver
- quacksalvers
- quacky
- quad
- quadded
- quadding
- quadplex
- quadplexes
- quadragesima
- quadrangle
- quadrangles
- quadrangular
- quadrans
- quadrant
- quadrantal
- quadrantanopia
- quadrantes
- quadrants
- quadraphonic
- quadraphonics
- quadrasonic
- quadrat
- quadrate
- quadrated
- quadrates
- quadratic
- quadratically
- quadratics
- quadrating
- quadrats
- quadrature
- quadratures
- quadrennia
- quadrennial
- quadrennially
- quadrennials
- quadrennium
- quadrenniums
- quadric
- quadricentennial
- quadricep
- quadriceps
- quadricepses
- quadrics
- quadrifid
- quadriga
- quadrigae
- quadrilateral
- quadrilaterals
- quadrille
- quadrilles
- quadrillion
- quadrillions
- quadrillionth
- quadrillionths
- quadripartite
- quadriphonic
- quadriplegia
- quadriplegias
- quadriplegic
- quadriplegics
- quadrisonic
- quadrivalent
- quadrivalents
- quadrivia
- quadrivial
- quadrivium
- quadriviums
- quadroon
- quadroons
- quadrumanous
- quadrumvir
- quadrumvirate
- quadrumvirates
- quadrumvirs
- quadruped
- quadrupedal
- quadrupeds
- quadruple
- quadrupled
- quadruples
- quadruplet
- quadruplets
- quadruplex
- quadruplicate
- quadruplicated
- quadruplicates
- quadruplicating
- quadruplication
- quadruplications
- quadruplicities
- quadruplicity
- quadrupling
- quadruply
- quadrupole
- quadrupoles
- quads
- quaere
- quaeres
- quaestor
- quaestors
- quaff
- quaffed
- quaffer
- quaffers
- quaffing
- quaffs
- quag
- quagga
- quaggas
- quaggier
- quaggiest
- quaggy
- quagmire
- quagmires
- quagmiry
- quags
- quahaug
- quahaugs
- quahog
- quahogs
- quaich
- quaiches
- quaichs
- quaigh
- quaighs
- quail
- quailed
- quailing
- quails
- quaint
- quainter
- quaintest
- quaintly
- quaintness
- quake
- quaked
- quaker
- quakerism
- quakers
- quakes
- quakier
- quakiest
- quakily
- quakiness
- quaking
- quakingly
- quaky
- quale
- qualia
- qualifiable
- qualification
- qualifications
- qualified
- qualifiedly
- qualifier
- qualifiers
- qualifies
- qualify
- qualifying
- qualitative
- qualitatively
- qualities
- quality
- qualm
- qualmier
- qualmiest
- qualmish
- qualmishly
- qualmishness
- qualms
- qualmy
- quamash
- quamashes
- quandang
- quandaries
- quandary
- quandong
- quandongs
- quango
- quangos
- quant
- quanta
- quantal
- quantic
- quantics
- quantifiability
- quantifiable
- quantification
- quantificational
- quantificationally
- quantifications
- quantified
- quantifier
- quantifiers
- quantifies
- quantify
- quantifying
- quantile
- quantiles
- quantise
- quantitate
- quantitated
- quantitates
- quantitating
- quantitation
- quantitations
- quantitative
- quantitatively
- quantitativeness
- quantities
- quantity
- quantization
- quantizations
- quantize
- quantized
- quantizer
- quantizers
- quantizes
- quantizing
- quantong
- quantongs
- quants
- quantum
- quarantine
- quarantined
- quarantines
- quarantining
- quark
- quarks
- quarrel
- quarreled
- quarreler
- quarrelers
- quarreling
- quarrelled
- quarreller
- quarrellers
- quarrelling
- quarrels
- quarrelsome
- quarrelsomely
- quarrelsomeness
- quarried
- quarrier
- quarriers
- quarries
- quarry
- quarrying
- quarryings
- quarryman
- quarrymen
- quart
- quartan
- quartans
- quarte
- quarter
- quarterage
- quarterages
- quarterback
- quarterbacked
- quarterbacking
- quarterbacks
- quarterdeck
- quarterdecks
- quartered
- quarterer
- quarterers
- quarterfinal
- quarterfinalist
- quarterfinalists
- quarterfinals
- quartering
- quarterings
- quarterlies
- quarterly
- quartermaster
- quartermasters
- quartern
- quarterns
- quarters
- quartersaw
- quartersawed
- quartersawn
- quarterstaff
- quarterstaves
- quartes
- quartet
- quartets
- quartette
- quartettes
- quartic
- quartics
- quartier
- quartiers
- quartile
- quartiles
- quarto
- quartos
- quarts
- quartz
- quartzes
- quartzite
- quartzites
- quartzitic
- quartzose
- quartzous
- quasar
- quasars
- quash
- quashed
- quasher
- quashers
- quashes
- quashing
- quasi
- quasicrystal
- quasicrystals
- quasiparticle
- quasiparticles
- quasiperiodic
- quasiperiodicities
- quasiperiodicity
- quass
- quasses
- quassia
- quassias
- quassin
- quassins
- quat
- quate
- quatercentenaries
- quatercentenary
- quaternary
- quaternate
- quaternion
- quaternions
- quaternities
- quaternity
- quatorze
- quatorzes
- quatrain
- quatrains
- quatre
- quatrefoil
- quatrefoils
- quatres
- quattrocento
- quattrocentos
- quattuordecillion
- quaver
- quavered
- quaverer
- quaverers
- quavering
- quaveringly
- quavers
- quavery
- quay
- quayage
- quayages
- quaylike
- quays
- quayside
Words that Start with Q
This section will provide you with more information on the words that start with Q.
Interesting notes about the letter Q:
- The letter Q is the seventeenth letter of the English alphabet; it is a consonant.
- It has a hard sound \ k \ as in queen and is usually followed by the letter u.
- The Phoenicians used a circle with a stick going through to the top, which they called goph, the monkey, and may have represented a knot. It made a guttural \k\ sound.
- The Greeks used it for their number 90.
- The Romans and Etruscans kept it for Q.
The following are a couple of examples of words starting with Q.
Animals that start with Q
- Quail: small gallinaceous game birds
- We enjoy eating quail on special occasions.
- Quokka: A cat-sized marsupial, Setonix brachyurus, of southwestern Australia.
- Australia has some strange animals, such as the quokka.
Places that start with Q
- Quarry: a surface excavation for extracting stone or slate
- The quarry in town has limestone, which is used at the cement plant.
- Quarter: a district of a city having some distinguishing character
- The food at the French quarter of New Oeleans is delicious.
Words that describe people
- Quixotic: not sensible about practical matters; idealistic and unrealistic
- My poor uncle is quixotic, so his chivalry toward women tends to get him in trouble as they don’t always need help.
- Qualified: meeting the proper standards and requirements and training for an office or position or task
- Although he had just graduated, he was well qualified for the Supervisor position.
- Quick: moving quickly and lightly
- He was quick to move away from the oncoming water balloons.
Words that describe an idea
- Quintessential: representing the perfect example of a class or quality
- Our school has a quintessential philosophy: Put students first by focusing on their needs before the staff’s.
- Questionable: subject to question
- It was a questionable idea to make the plates out of cardboard.
- Quirky: (informal) strikingly unconventional
- The quirky ideas for the new menu might be a hit or miss.
Words that describe a place/event
- Quaint: attractively old-fashioned (but not necessarily authentic)
- My grandmother’s furniture is quaint and far more comfortable than modern furniture.
- Quietly: with little or no sound
- The orchestra played their background music quietly.
- Quartzous: Pertaining to quartz; made of quartz.
- The quartzous palace seemed beautifully bright and dauntingly dangerous all at the same time.