Words that Start with L
Starting with LA
- laager
- laagered
- laagering
- laagers
- laari
- lab
- labanotation
- labanotations
- labara
- labarum
- labarums
- labdanum
- labdanums
- label
- labelable
- labeled
- labeler
- labelers
- labeling
- labella
- labelled
- labeller
- labellers
- labelling
- labelloid
- labellum
- labels
- labial
- labialise
- labialities
- labiality
- labialization
- labializations
- labialize
- labialized
- labializes
- labializing
- labially
- labials
- labiate
- labiated
- labiates
- labile
- labilities
- lability
- labiodental
- labiodentals
- labiovelar
- labiovelars
- labium
- labor
- laboratories
- laboratory
- labored
- laboredly
- laborer
- laborers
- laboring
- laborious
- laboriously
- laboriousness
- laborite
- laborites
- labors
- laborsaving
- labour
- laboured
- labourer
- labourers
- labouring
- labours
- laboursaving
- labra
- labrador
- labradorite
- labradorites
- labradors
- labret
- labrets
- labroid
- labroids
- labrum
- labrums
- labs
- laburnum
- laburnums
- labyrinth
- labyrinthian
- labyrinthine
- labyrinthodont
- labyrinthodonts
- labyrinths
- lac
- laccolith
- laccolithic
- laccoliths
- lace
- laced
- laceless
- lacelike
- lacer
- lacerable
- lacerate
- lacerated
- lacerates
- lacerating
- laceration
- lacerations
- lacerative
- lacers
- lacertid
- lacertids
- lacertilian
- laces
- lacewing
- lacewings
- lacewood
- lacewoods
- lacework
- laceworks
- lacey
- laches
- lachrymal
- lachrymals
- lachrymator
- lachrymators
- lachrymatory
- lachrymose
- lachrymosely
- lachrymosities
- lachrymosity
- lacier
- laciest
- lacily
- laciness
- lacing
- lacings
- laciniate
- lack
- lackadaisical
- lackadaisically
- lackaday
- lacked
- lacker
- lackered
- lackering
- lackers
- lackey
- lackeyed
- lackeying
- lackeys
- lacking
- lackluster
- lacklustre
- lacks
- laconic
- laconically
- laconism
- laconisms
- lacquer
- lacquered
- lacquerer
- lacquerers
- lacquering
- lacquers
- lacquerware
- lacquerwares
- lacquey
- lacqueying
- lacqueys
- lacrimal
- lacrimals
- lacrimation
- lacrimations
- lacrimator
- lacrimators
- lacrimatory
- lacrosse
- lacrosses
- lacs
- lactalbumin
- lactalbumins
- lactam
- lactams
- lactary
- lactase
- lactases
- lactate
- lactated
- lactates
- lactating
- lactation
- lactational
- lactations
- lacteal
- lacteally
- lacteals
- lactean
- lacteous
- lactic
- lactiferous
- lactobacilli
- lactobacillus
- lactogenic
- lactoglobulin
- lactoglobulins
- lactone
- lactones
- lactonic
- lactose
- lactoses
- lacuna
- lacunae
- lacunal
- lacunar
- lacunars
- lacunary
- lacunas
- lacune
- lacunes
- lacunose
- lacustrine
- lacy
- lad
- ladanum
- ladanums
- ladder
- laddered
- laddering
- ladderlike
- ladders
- laddie
- laddies
- laddish
- lade
- laded
- laden
- ladened
- ladening
- ladens
- lades
- ladies
- lading
- ladings
- ladino
- ladinos
- ladle
- ladled
- ladleful
- ladlefuls
- ladler
- ladlers
- ladles
- ladling
- ladrone
- ladrones
- lads
- lady
- ladybird
- ladybirds
- ladybug
- ladybugs
- ladyfinger
- ladyfingers
- ladyfish
- ladyfishes
- ladyhood
- ladyhoods
- ladyish
- ladykin
- ladykins
- ladylike
- ladylikeness
- ladylove
- ladyloves
- ladyship
- ladyships
- laetrile
- laetriles
- lag
- lagan
- lagans
- lagend
- lager
- lagering
- lagers
- laggard
- laggardly
- laggardness
- laggards
- lagged
- lagger
- laggers
- lagging
- laggings
- lagnappe
- lagnappes
- lagniappe
- lagniappes
- lagomorph
- lagomorphs
- lagoon
- lagoonal
- lagoons
- lags
- laguna
- lagune
- lagunes
- lah
- lahar
- lahars
- laic
- laically
- laicise
- laicised
- laicises
- laicising
- laicism
- laicisms
- laicization
- laicizations
- laicize
- laicized
- laicizes
- laicizing
- laics
- laid
- lain
- lair
- laird
- lairds
- lairdship
- lairdships
- laired
- lairing
- lairs
- laitance
- laitances
- laities
- laity
- lake
- lakebed
- lakebeds
- laked
- lakefront
- lakefronts
- lakelike
- lakeport
- lakeports
- laker
- lakers
- lakes
- lakeshore
- lakeshores
- lakeside
- lakesides
- lakh
- lakhs
- lakiest
- laking
- lakings
- laky
- lalique
- lallans
- lallation
- lallations
- lallygag
- lallygagged
- lallygagging
- lallygags
- lam
- lama
- lamaism
- lamarckian
- lamarckism
- lamas
- lamaseries
- lamasery
- lamb
- lambada
- lambadas
- lambast
- lambaste
- lambasted
- lambastes
- lambasting
- lambasts
- lambda
- lambdas
- lambdoid
- lambed
- lambencies
- lambency
- lambent
- lambently
- lambert
- lamberts
- lambie
- lambier
- lambies
- lambiest
- lambing
Words that Start with L
This section will provide you with more information on the words that start with L.
Interesting notes about the letter :
- The letter L is the twelfth letter of the English alphabet.
- It is a consonant.
- It makes two sounds – the beginning sound \ le \ as in lie and the ending sound \ il\ as in kindle.
- The letter L is common in all places of words and commonly doubled, as in holly.
- The letter L was lamedh, an ox stick or goad.
- The Greeks used it for lamda (L), and then it was adapted by the Romans for their letter L.
The following are a couple of examples of words starting with L.
Animals that start with L
- Ladybug: small round bright-colored and spotted beetle that usually feeds on aphids and other insect pests
- Every spring, I see ladybugs flying around our yard.
- Llama: wild or domesticated South American cud-chewing animal related to camels but smaller and lacking a hump
- The llama looks rather like a mix of a horse and a sheep.
- Lizard: relatively long-bodied reptile with usually two pairs of legs and a tapering tail
- The lizrd skitted across her path and scared her.
Places that start with L
- Lobby: a large entrance or reception room or area
- Inside the store, the lobby was full of people waiting to go out the locked doors.
- Lab: a workplace for the conduct of scientific research
- He preferred working at the lab where he could concentrate.
- Lighthouse: a tower with a light that gives warning of shoals to passing ships
- Watching the sunset from the lighthouse was a great idea!
Words that describe people
- Laggard: wasting time
- I’m so laggard today after all the work we did out in the yard yesterday.
- Lively: full of life and energy
- She seemed lively and happy as she danced on the satge.
- Lovely: appealing to the emotions as well as the eye
- Everything about the baby was lovely, from his tiny toes to his button nose.
Words that describe an idea
- Longsighted:planning prudently for the future
- His ideas were longsighted, but unfortunately, it doesn’t help with the problems we have now.
- Ludicrous: broadly or extravagantly humorous; resembling farce
- It was ludicrous to think that she would make it on time during rush hour.
- Logical: capable of or reflecting the capability for correct and valid reasoning
- The idea to replace his broken phone was logical but expensive.
Words that describe a place/event
- Luminescent: emitting light not caused by heat
- The event was luminescent, lit up by moonlight and sparkling fireflies.
- Labyrinth: complex system of paths or tunnels in which it is easy to get lost
- Walking through New York seemed like a labyrinth of gravle streets.
- Loud: characterized by or producing sound of great volume or intensity
- The club was loud and buzzing with energy.