Words that Start with K
Starting with KA
- ka
- kab
- kabab
- kababs
- kabaka
- kabakas
- kabala
- kabaya
- kabayas
- kabbala
- kabbalah
- kabbalahs
- kabbalism
- kabbalisms
- kabbalist
- kabbalistic
- kabbalists
- kabeljou
- kabeljous
- kabob
- kabobs
- kabs
- kabuki
- kabukis
- kachina
- kachinas
- kaddish
- kaddishes
- kaddishim
- kadi
- kadis
- kaes
- kaf
- kaffeeklatsch
- kaffeeklatsches
- kaffirs
- kaffiyeh
- kaffiyehs
- kafir
- kafirs
- kafkaesque
- kafs
- kaftan
- kaftans
- kagu
- kagus
- kahuna
- kahunas
- kaiak
- kaiaks
- kaif
- kaifs
- kail
- kails
- kailyard
- kailyards
- kain
- kainit
- kainite
- kainites
- kainits
- kains
- kairomone
- kairomones
- kaiser
- kaiserdom
- kaiserdoms
- kaisers
- kajeput
- kajeputs
- kaka
- kakapo
- kakapos
- kakas
- kakemono
- kakemonos
- kaki
- kakiemon
- kakiemons
- kakis
- kalam
- kalamata
- kalamatas
- kalams
- kalanchoe
- kalanchoes
- kale
- kaleidoscope
- kaleidoscopes
- kaleidoscopic
- kaleidoscopical
- kaleidoscopically
- kalends
- kales
- kalian
- kalif
- kalifate
- kalifates
- kalifs
- kalimba
- kalimbas
- kaliph
- kaliphs
- kalium
- kaliums
- kallidin
- kallidins
- kallikrein
- kallikreins
- kalmia
- kalmias
- kalong
- kalongs
- kalpac
- kalsomine
- kalsomined
- kalsomines
- kalsomining
- kalua
- kamaaina
- kamaainas
- kamacite
- kamacites
- kame
- kames
- kami
- kamik
- kamikaze
- kamikazes
- kamiks
- kampong
- kampongs
- kampuchean
- kamseen
- kamseens
- kamsin
- kamsins
- kana
- kanaka
- kanakas
- kanamycin
- kanamycins
- kanas
- kanban
- kanbans
- kangaroo
- kangaroos
- kanji
- kanjis
- kansan
- kantar
- kantars
- kantele
- kanteles
- kantian
- kanzu
- kanzus
- kaoliang
- kaoliangs
- kaolin
- kaoline
- kaolines
- kaolinite
- kaolinites
- kaolinitic
- kaolins
- kaon
- kaonic
- kaons
- kapellmeister
- kapellmeisters
- kaph
- kaphs
- kapok
- kapoks
- kappa
- kappas
- kaput
- kaputt
- karabiner
- karabiners
- karakul
- karakuls
- karaoke
- karaokes
- karat
- karate
- karateist
- karateists
- karates
- karats
- karelian
- karma
- karmas
- karmic
- karn
- karns
- karoo
- karoos
- kaross
- karosses
- karroo
- karroos
- karst
- karstic
- karsts
- kart
- karting
- kartings
- karts
- karyogamies
- karyogamy
- karyokineses
- karyokinesis
- karyokinetic
- karyologic
- karyological
- karyologies
- karyology
- karyolymph
- karyolymphs
- karyosome
- karyosomes
- karyotype
- karyotyped
- karyotypes
- karyotypic
- karyotypically
- karyotyping
- kas
- kasbah
- kasbahs
- kasha
- kashas
- kashmir
- kashmiri
- kashrut
- kashruth
- kashruths
- kashruts
- kat
- kata
- katabatic
- katabolic
- katakana
- katakanas
- katari
- katas
- katchina
- katchinas
- katcina
- katcinas
- katharobic
- katharsis
- kathodal
- kathode
- kathodes
- kathodic
- kation
- kations
- kats
- katsura
- katsuras
- katydid
- katydids
- katzenjammer
- katzenjammers
- kauri
- kauries
- kauris
- kaury
- kava
- kavakava
- kavakavas
- kavas
- kavass
- kavasses
- kay
- kayak
- kayaked
- kayaker
- kayakers
- kayaking
- kayakings
- kayaks
- kayle
- kayles
- kayo
- kayoed
- kayoes
- kayoing
- kayos
- kays
- kazachok
- kazakh
- kazakhstani
- kazatskies
- kazatsky
- kazillion
- kazillions
- kazoo
- kazoos
Starting with KB
Starting with KE
- kea
- keas
- kebab
- kebabs
- kebbuck
- kebbucks
- keblah
- keblahs
- kebob
- kebobs
- kechuan
- keck
- kecked
- kecking
- keckle
- keckled
- keckles
- keckling
- kecks
- keddah
- keddahs
- kedge
- kedged
- kedgeree
- kedgerees
- kedges
- kedging
- keef
- keefs
- keek
- keeked
- keeking
- keeks
- keel
- keelage
- keelages
- keelboat
- keelboats
- keeled
- keelhale
- keelhaled
- keelhales
- keelhaling
- keelhaul
- keelhauled
- keelhauling
- keelhauls
- keeling
- keelless
- keels
- keelson
- keelsons
- keen
- keened
- keener
- keeners
- keenest
- keening
- keenly
- keenness
- keens
- keep
- keepable
- keeper
- keepers
- keeping
- keepings
- keeps
- keepsake
- keepsakes
- keeshond
- keester
- keesters
- keet
- keets
- keeve
- keeves
- kef
- keffiyeh
- keffiyehs
- kefir
- kefirs
- kefs
- keg
- kegful
- kegged
- kegger
- keggers
- kegging
- kegler
- keglers
- kegs
- keir
- keiretsu
- keiretsus
- keirs
- keister
- keisters
Words that Start with K
This section will provide you with more information on the words that start with K.
Interesting notes about the letter K:
- The letter K is the eleventh letter of the English alphabet; it is a consonant.
- It makes one general sound – \ k \ as in kingdom and lack.
- It is often silent when followed by the letter n, as in know.
- The Phoenicians called it Kaph, the palm of the hand. The Greeks called it kappa, and the Romans used it as K.
The following are a couple of examples of words starting with K.
Animals that start with K
- Kinkajou: arboreal fruit-eating mammal of tropical America with a long prehensile tail
- The little brown kinkajou seemed more like a small bear than a monkey.
- Koala: sluggish tailless Australian arboreal marsupial with grey furry ears and coat; feeds on eucalyptus leaves and bark
- During the fires in Australia, a picture of a fireman giving water to a koala bear was all over the Internet.
- Katydid: large green long-horned grasshopper of North America; males produce shrill sounds by rubbing together special organs on the forewings
- When we were out camping, we heard dozens of katydids.
Places that start with K
- Kindergarten: a preschool for children age 4 to 6 to prepare them for primary school
- Moms always cry when their children start kindergarten.
- Kingdom: the domain ruled by a king or queen
- My little sisters have their own kingdom in their room, which is ruled by Queen Barbie.
- Kraal: a village of huts for native Africans in southern Africa; usually surrounded by a stockade
- The kids were not allowed to wander too far outside of the kraal.
Words that describe people
- Knackered: very tired
- The two toddlers are knackered from all their playing this morning.
- Keen: having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions
- The detective showed how keen he was when he solved the mystery.
- Kind: having or showing a tender and considerate and helpful nature; used especially of persons and their behavior
- The kind boy helped his grandmother serve dinner before eating.
Words that describe an idea
- Kooky: informal or slang terms for mentally irregular
- His plan on how to make the video is rather kooky but also interesting.
- Kludgy: sloppy, hasty, shoddy, or inelegant
- It was ovios that she was making up the kludgy ideas on the spot.
Words that describe a place/event
- Khaki: of a yellowish brown color
- There auditorium was an ocean of khaki with all the uniformed men.
- Kitsch: Said especially of art and decor that is considered to be of questionable aesthetic value; excessively sentimental, overdone or vulgar.
- He thought that all the gold decorations were kitsch, but she liked them.
- Kaleidoscopic: continually shifting or rapidly changing
- The kaleidoscopic lights were coming from the candle lights shining through the staned glass.