Words that Start with J
Starting with JA
- jab
- jabbed
- jabber
- jabbered
- jabberer
- jabberers
- jabbering
- jabbers
- jabberwockies
- jabberwocky
- jabbing
- jabiru
- jabirus
- jaborandi
- jaborandis
- jabot
- jaboticaba
- jaboticabas
- jabots
- jabs
- jacal
- jacales
- jacals
- jacamar
- jacamars
- jacana
- jacanas
- jacaranda
- jacarandas
- jacinth
- jacinthes
- jacinths
- jack
- jackal
- jackals
- jackanapes
- jackanapeses
- jackaroo
- jackaroos
- jackass
- jackasseries
- jackassery
- jackasses
- jackboot
- jackbooted
- jackboots
- jackdaw
- jackdaws
- jacked
- jacker
- jackeroo
- jackeroos
- jackers
- jacket
- jacketed
- jacketing
- jacketless
- jackets
- jackfish
- jackfishes
- jackfruit
- jackfruits
- jackhammer
- jackhammered
- jackhammering
- jackhammers
- jackies
- jacking
- jackknife
- jackknifed
- jackknifes
- jackknifing
- jackknives
- jackleg
- jacklegs
- jacklight
- jacklights
- jackplane
- jackplanes
- jackpot
- jackpots
- jackrabbit
- jackrabbits
- jackroll
- jackrolled
- jackrolling
- jackrolls
- jacks
- jackscrew
- jackscrews
- jackshaft
- jackshafts
- jacksmelt
- jacksmelts
- jacksnipe
- jacksnipes
- jacksonian
- jackstay
- jackstays
- jackstone
- jackstones
- jackstraw
- jackstraws
- jacky
- jacobean
- jacobin
- jacobinic
- jacobinical
- jacobinism
- jacobus
- jaconet
- jaconets
- jacquard
- jacquards
- jacquerie
- jacqueries
- jactation
- jactations
- jactitate
- jactitation
- jactitations
- jaculate
- jaculated
- jaculates
- jaculating
- jacuzzi
- jacuzzis
- jade
- jaded
- jadedly
- jadedness
- jadeite
- jadeites
- jadelike
- jades
- jading
- jadish
- jadishly
- jaeger
- jaegers
- jag
- jager
- jagers
- jagg
- jaggaries
- jaggary
- jagged
- jaggeder
- jaggedest
- jaggedly
- jaggedness
- jaggeries
- jaggers
- jaggery
- jaggheries
- jagghery
- jaggier
- jaggies
- jaggiest
- jagging
- jaggy
- jagless
- jagra
- jagras
- jags
- jaguar
- jaguarondi
- jaguarondis
- jaguars
- jaguarundi
- jaguarundis
- jail
- jailable
- jailbird
- jailbirds
- jailbreak
- jailbreaks
- jailed
- jailer
- jailers
- jailhouse
- jailhouses
- jailing
- jailor
- jailors
- jails
- jain
- jainist
- jake
- jakes
- jalap
- jalapeno
- jalapenos
- jalapin
- jalapins
- jalaps
- jalopies
- jaloppies
- jaloppy
- jalopy
- jalousie
- jalousied
- jalousies
- jam
- jamaican
- jamb
- jambalaya
- jambalayas
- jambeau
- jambeaux
- jambes
- jamboree
- jamborees
- jambs
- jamesian
- jamlike
- jammable
- jammed
- jammer
- jammers
- jammier
- jammies
- jammiest
- jamming
- jammy
- jampack
- jampacked
- jams
- janes
- jangle
- jangled
- jangler
- janglers
- jangles
- janglier
- jangliest
- jangling
- jangly
- janiform
- janisaries
- janisary
- janissaries
- janissary
- janitor
- janitorial
- janitors
- janizaries
- janizary
- jansenist
- janty
- january
- japan
- japanese
- japanize
- japanized
- japanizes
- japanizing
- japanned
- japanner
- japanners
- japanning
- japans
- jape
- japed
- japer
- japeries
- japers
- japery
- japes
- japing
- japingly
- japonica
- japonicas
- jar
- jardiniere
- jardinieres
- jarful
- jarfuls
- jargon
- jargoned
- jargoneer
- jargoneers
- jargonel
- jargonels
- jargoning
- jargonish
- jargonist
- jargonistic
- jargonists
- jargonize
- jargonized
- jargonizes
- jargonizing
- jargons
- jargony
- jargoon
- jargoons
- jarhead
- jarheads
- jarina
- jarinas
- jarl
- jarldom
- jarldoms
- jarls
- jarosite
- jarosites
- jarrah
- jarrahs
- jarred
- jarring
- jarringly
- jars
- jarsful
- jarvey
- jarveys
- jasmine
- jasmines
- jasper
- jasperware
- jasperwares
- jaspery
- jaspilite
- jaspilites
- jassid
- jassids
- jato
- jatos
- jaunce
- jaunced
- jaunces
- jauncing
- jaundice
- jaundiced
- jaundices
- jaundicing
- jaunt
- jaunted
- jauntier
- jauntiest
- jauntily
- jauntiness
- jaunting
- jaunts
- jaunty
- jaup
- jauped
- jauping
- jaups
- java
- javan
- javanese
- javas
- javelin
- javelina
- javelinas
- javelined
- javelining
- javelins
- jaw
- jawan
- jawans
- jawbone
- jawboned
- jawboner
- jawboners
- jawbones
- jawboning
- jawbonings
- jawbreaker
- jawbreakers
- jawed
- jawing
- jawless
- jawlike
- jawline
- jawlines
- jaws
- jay
- jaybird
- jaybirds
- jaygee
- jaygees
- jayhawker
- jayhawkers
- jays
- jayvee
- jayvees
- jaywalk
- jaywalked
- jaywalker
- jaywalkers
- jaywalking
- jaywalks
- jazz
- jazzbo
- jazzbos
- jazzed
- jazzer
- jazzers
- jazzes
- jazzier
Words that Start with J
This section will provide you with more information on the words that start with J.
Interesting notes about the letter J:
- The letter J is the tenth letter of the English alphabet.
- It is a consonant.
- It makes one sound, a soft \ j \ as in jaguar.
- The letter J is more common at the beginning of words than in the middle of words.
- The letter J was adapted by the Romans from their letter I.
The following are a couple of examples of words starting with J.
Animals that start with J
- Jackal: Old World nocturnal canine mammal closely related to the dog; smaller than a wolf; sometimes hunts in a pack but usually singly or as a member of a pair
- The jackal may be small, but it can be quite ferocious.
- Jaguar: a large spotted feline of tropical America similar to the leopard; in some classifications considered a member of the genus Felis
- The jaguar is a beautiful big cat with sharp claws.
- Jellyfish: large siphonophore having a bladder-like float and stinging tentacles
- The jellyfish looked like a cloud floating underwater.
Places that start with J
- Jail: a correctional institution used to detain persons who are in the lawful custody of the government (either accused persons awaiting trial or convicted persons serving a sentence)
- It’s sad that teenagers don’t realize they can go to jail for doing bad things.
- Junction: the place where two or more things come together
- Two cars collided at the junction of Main Street and Elm Avenue.
- Jungle: a location marked by an intense competition and struggle for survival
- There were many plant in the junglw, but not enough space.
Words that describe people
- Joyful: full of or producing joy
- My grandmother is always joyful and full of smiles when we visit her.
- Jubilant: full of high-spirited delight
- The jubilant kids held hands and waved as they rode the carousel.
- Jeweled: covered with beads or jewels or sequins
- She was jeweled with the precious emeralds and diamonds.
Words that describe an idea
- Justifiable: capable of being justified
- The plan to purchase recycled paper is justifiable due to its low cost.
- Juvenile: of or relating to or characteristic of or appropriate for children or young people
- The idea of plaging hide-and-seek seemed juveinle to the teens.
Words that describe a place/event
- Joyless: not experiencing or inspiring joy
- After a fire destroyed the theater, the whole town was joyless.
- Jingling: having a series of high-pitched ringing sounds like many small bells
- The night was jingling with all the bells on the trees.
- Jumbo: of great mass; huge and bulky
- The jumbo Roman columns made me feel really short.