Words that Start with G
Starting with GA
- gab
- gabardine
- gabardines
- gabbard
- gabbards
- gabbart
- gabbarts
- gabbed
- gabber
- gabbers
- gabbier
- gabbiest
- gabbiness
- gabbing
- gabble
- gabbled
- gabbler
- gabblers
- gabbles
- gabbling
- gabbro
- gabbroic
- gabbroid
- gabbros
- gabby
- gabelle
- gabelles
- gaberdine
- gaberdines
- gabfest
- gabfests
- gabies
- gabion
- gabions
- gable
- gabled
- gablelike
- gables
- gabonese
- gabs
- gaby
- gad
- gadabout
- gadabouts
- gadarene
- gadded
- gadder
- gadders
- gaddi
- gadding
- gadflies
- gadfly
- gadget
- gadgeteer
- gadgeteers
- gadgetries
- gadgetry
- gadgets
- gadgety
- gadid
- gadids
- gadoid
- gadoids
- gadolinite
- gadolinites
- gadolinium
- gadoliniums
- gadroon
- gadrooned
- gadroons
- gads
- gadwall
- gadwalls
- gadzookeries
- gadzookery
- gaelic
- gaff
- gaffe
- gaffed
- gaffer
- gaffers
- gaffes
- gaffing
- gaffs
- gag
- gaga
- gagaku
- gagakus
- gage
- gaged
- gager
- gagers
- gages
- gagged
- gagger
- gaggers
- gagging
- gaggle
- gaggled
- gaggles
- gaggling
- gaging
- gagman
- gagmen
- gags
- gagster
- gagsters
- gagwriter
- gahnite
- gahnites
- gaieties
- gaiety
- gaijin
- gaillardia
- gaillardias
- gaily
- gain
- gainable
- gained
- gainer
- gainers
- gainful
- gainfully
- gainfulness
- gaingiving
- gaingivings
- gaining
- gainless
- gainlessly
- gainly
- gains
- gainsaid
- gainsay
- gainsayer
- gainsayers
- gainsaying
- gainsays
- gainst
- gait
- gaited
- gaiter
- gaiters
- gaiting
- gaits
- gal
- gala
- galabia
- galabias
- galabieh
- galabiehs
- galabiya
- galabiyas
- galactic
- galactorrhea
- galactorrheas
- galactosamine
- galactosamines
- galactose
- galactosemia
- galactosemias
- galactosemic
- galactoses
- galactosidase
- galactosidases
- galactoside
- galactosides
- galactosyl
- galactosyls
- galago
- galagos
- galah
- galahs
- galanga
- galangal
- galangals
- galangas
- galantine
- galantines
- galas
- galatea
- galateas
- galatian
- galavant
- galavanted
- galavanting
- galavants
- galax
- galaxies
- galaxy
- galbanum
- galbanums
- gale
- galea
- galeae
- galeas
- galeate
- galeated
- galena
- galenas
- galenic
- galenical
- galenicals
- galenite
- galenites
- galere
- gales
- galette
- galettes
- galician
- galilaean
- galilee
- galilees
- galingale
- galingales
- galiot
- galiots
- galipot
- galipots
- galivant
- galivanted
- galivanting
- galivants
- gall
- gallamine
- gallamines
- gallant
- gallanted
- gallanting
- gallantly
- gallantries
- gallantry
- gallants
- gallate
- gallates
- gallbladder
- gallbladders
- galleass
- galleasses
- galled
- gallein
- galleins
- galleon
- galleons
- galleria
- gallerias
- galleried
- galleries
- gallery
- gallerygoer
- gallerygoers
- galley
- galleys
- gallflies
- gallfly
- galliard
- galliards
- galliass
- galliasses
- gallic
- gallica
- gallican
- gallicas
- gallicism
- gallicisms
- gallicization
- gallicizations
- gallicize
- gallicized
- gallicizes
- gallicizing
- gallied
- gallies
- gallimaufries
- gallimaufry
- gallinaceous
- galling
- gallingly
- gallinipper
- gallinippers
- gallinule
- gallinules
- galliot
- galliots
- gallipot
- gallipots
- gallium
- galliums
- gallivant
- gallivanted
- gallivanting
- gallivants
- galliwasp
- galliwasps
- gallnut
- gallnuts
- gallon
- gallonage
- gallonages
- gallons
- galloon
- gallooned
- galloons
- galloot
- galloots
- gallop
- gallopade
- gallopades
- galloped
- galloper
- gallopers
- galloping
- gallops
- gallous
- gallowglass
- gallowglasses
- gallows
- gallowses
- galls
- gallstone
- gallstones
- gallus
- galluses
- gally
- gallying
- galoot
- galoots
- galop
- galops
- galore
- galosh
- galoshe
- galoshed
- galoshes
- gals
- galumph
- galumphed
- galumphing
- galumphs
- galvanic
- galvanically
- galvanise
- galvanised
- galvaniser
- galvanises
- galvanising
- galvanism
- galvanisms
- galvanization
- galvanizations
- galvanize
- galvanized
- galvanizer
- galvanizers
- galvanizes
- galvanizing
- galvanometer
- galvanometers
- galvanometric
- galvanoscope
- galvanoscopes
- galwegian
- galyac
- galyacs
- galyak
- galyaks
- gam
- gamashes
- gamay
- gamba
- gambade
- gambades
- gambado
- gambadoes
- gambados
- gambas
- gambeson
- gambesons
- gambia
- gambian
- gambier
- gambiers
- gambir
- gambirs
- gambist
- gambit
- gambits
- gamble
- gambled
- gambler
- gamblers
- gambles
- gambling
- gamboge
- gamboges
- gambogian
- gambol
- gamboled
- gamboling
- gambolled
- gambolling
- gambols
- gambrel
Words that Start with G
This section will provide you with more information on the words that start with G.
Interesting notes about the letter G:
- The letter G is the seventh letter of the English alphabet; it is a consonant.
- It makes two distinct sounds – hard \ g \ glove and soft \ j \ giraffe.
- However, it also changes sounds before the letter h, such as in laugh, in which the gh makes an f sound, while in words such as though, the gh is silent.
- The Romans added a bar to the Phoenician’s symbol Gimel, the camel, which was used as letter C, to make the letter G.
The following are a couple of examples of words starting with G.
Animals that start with G
- Giraffe: tallest living quadruped; having a spotted coat and small horns and very long neck and legs; of savannahs of tropical Africa
- In Africa, a giraffe was eating the leaves toward the top of the tree while its baby was nibbling the leaves lower to the ground.
- Goose: web-footed long-necked typically gregarious migratory aquatic birds usually larger and less aquatic than ducks
- There were two ducks swimming next to the larger goose.
- Gerbil: small Old World burrowing desert rodent with long soft pale fur and hind legs adapted for leaping
- I have a hard time telling the difference between a hamster and gerbil.
Places that start with G
- Galaxy: (astronomy) a collection of star systems; any of the billions of systems each having many stars and nebulae and dust
- Our solar system, or galaxy, is called the Milky Way.
- Gymnasium: athletic facility equipped for sports or physical training
- In the gymnasium, basketball hoops are hung from the ceiling and posts for a volleyball net are set in the ground.
- Greenhouse: a building with glass walls and roof; for the cultivation and exhibition of plants under controlled conditions
- There was no way to hide from the sun in the greenhouse.
Words that describe people
- Gaunt: very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold
- My grandfather looked very gaunt when he had cancer.
- Gentle: soft and mild; not harsh or stern or severe
- The gentle nurse helped the baby fall asleep.
- Glistening: reflecting light
- The glittered costume was glistening in the sunlight.
Words that describe an idea
- General: not specialized or limited to one class of things
- The general idea is to give the employees a break by noon.
- Gloomy: filled with melancholy and despondency
- Going to the hospital seemed like such a gloomy idea.
Words that describe a place/event
- Grandiose:
- The dining hall is a very grandiose but awkward place to eat meals.
- Glassy: resembling glass in smoothness and shininess and slickness
- The lake was seemed glassy in its peaceful stillness.
- Gorgeous: dazzlingly beautiful
- The palace had gorgeous chandeliers and carvings everywhere.