Only letters are allowed in the top search bar. Please try again 🙂

You can search for words with the following options:

  • Start with: this will search for words using the starting letter(s) entered.
    • For example: Entering ca will get you all of the words that start with ab such as “cab”, “cabal”, etc
  • End in: this will search for words using the ending letter(s) entered.
    • For example: Entering ion will get you all of the words that end with ion such as “abarticulation“, “abbreviation“, etc
  • Contains: this will search for words that contain the letter(s) entered.
    • For example: Entering hou will get you all of the words that contain with hou such as “house”, “chough”, etc
  • Unscramble: this will search for words that contain any of the letter(s) entered.
    • For example: Entering acr will get you all of the words that have with acr such as “car“, “arc“, etc