


1. Going inside (of).

- Mary danced into the house.

2. Going to a geographic region.

- we left the house and walked into the street;

3. Against, especially with force or violence.

- The car crashed into the tree;

4. Producing, becoming.

- I carved the piece of driftwood into a sculpture of a whale.

5. After the start of.

- About 20 minutes into the flight, the pilot reported a fire on board.

6. (colloquial) Intensely interested in or attracted to.

- she's really into Shakespeare right now;

7. (mathematics) Taking distinct arguments to distinct values.

- The exponential function maps the set of real numbers into itself.

8. (Britain, archaic, India, mathematics) Expressing the operation of multiplication.

- Five into three is fifteen.

9. (mathematics) Expressing the operation of division, with the denominator given first. Usually with "goes".

- Three into two won't go.

- 24 goes into 48 how many times?

10. Investigating the subject (of).

- Call for research into pesticides blamed for vanishing bees.