


1. exceedingly bad

- when she was bad she was horrid

Similar word(s): bad

2. grossly offensive to decency or morality; causing horror

Similar word(s): offensive, hideous, horrific, outrageous

Sentences with horrid as an adjective:

- His haughtie Helmet. horrid all with gold,//Both glorious brightnesse and great terror bredd. - Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queen, I-vii-31Horrid with fern, and intricate with thorn. - John DrydenYe grots and caverns shagg's with horrid thorn! - Alexander Pope, Eloisa to Abelard, I-20

- Give colour to my pale cheek with thy blood,//that we the horrider may seem to those//Which chance to find us. - Shakespeare, Cymbeline, IV-iiI myself will be//The priest, and boldly do those horrid rites//You shake to think on. - John Fletcher, Sea Voyage, V-ivNot in the legions Of horrid hell. - Shakespeare, Macbeth, IV-iiiWhat say you then to fair Sir Percivale,//And of the horrid foulness that he wrought? - Alfred Tennyson, Merlin and Vivien

- 1668 My Lord Chief Justice Keeling hath laid the constable by the heels to answer it next Sessions: which is a horrid shame. - Samuel Pepys, Diary, October 23About the middle of November we began to work on our Ship's bottom, which we found very much eaten with the Worm: For this is a horrid place for Worms. - William Dampier, Voyages, I-362Already I your tears survey,//Already hear the horrid things they say. - Alexander Pope, The Rape of the Lock, IV-108