
(adjective, verb, adverb)


1. not disposed to cheat or defraud; not deceptive or fraudulent

- honest lawyers

- honest reporting

Similar word(s): direct, echt, genuine, downright, honorable, honourable, artless, ingenuous, sincere, square, straight, true, trustworthy, trusty, honorable

2. without dissimulation; frank

- my honest opinion

Similar word(s): sincere

3. worthy of being depended on

- an honest working stiff

Similar word(s): trustworthy, trusty, dependable, reliable, true

4. without pretensions

- worked at an honest trade

- good honest food

Similar word(s): unpretentious

5. marked by truth

- gave honest answers

Similar word(s): true, truthful

6. not forged

Similar word(s): echt, genuine, good

7. gained or earned without cheating or stealing

- an honest wage

Similar word(s): equitable, just, fair

Sentences with honest as an adjective:

- We're the most honest people you will ever come across.

- an honest account of events; honest reporting

- an honest mistake

- an honest scale

- an honest day's work

- an honest dollar

- an honest countenance


1. (colloquial) Honestly; really.

- It wasn’t my fault, honest.


1. (obsolete) To adorn or grace; to honour; to make becoming, appropriate, or honourable.