


1. deem to be

- I consider her to be shallow

Similar word(s): reckon, regard, see, view

Definition categories: cognition, believe, conceive, consider, think

2. give careful consideration to

- consider the possibility of moving

Similar word(s): study

Definition categories: perception, contemplate, excogitate, meditate, mull, muse, ponder, reflect, ruminate, speculate

3. take into consideration for exemplifying purposes

- Consider the following case

Similar word(s): deal, take

Definition categories: cognition

4. show consideration for; take into account

- You must consider her age

- The judge considered the offender's youth and was lenient

Similar word(s): count, weigh

Definition categories: communication

5. think about carefully; weigh

- They considered the possibility of a strike

Similar word(s): debate, deliberate, moot

Definition categories: communication, discuss

6. judge or regard; look upon; judge

Similar word(s): believe, conceive, think

Definition categories: cognition, evaluate, judge

7. look at attentively

Similar word(s): regard

Definition categories: perception, look

8. look at carefully; study mentally

Similar word(s): view

Definition categories: perception, analyse, analyze, canvass, examine, study

9. regard or treat with consideration, respect, and esteem

- Please consider your family

Definition categories: cognition, consider, reckon, regard, see, view

Sentences with consider as a verb:

- Consider that we’ve had three major events and the year has hardly begun.

- I’m considering going to the beach tomorrow.

- Consider yourself lucky, but consider your opponent skillful.

- I considered the pie undercooked.

- She sat there for a moment, considering him.

- Consider a triangle having three equal sides.

- This body will now consider the proposed amendments to Section 453 of the zoning code.